Quellen-Anhang: “SEC. 954. MILITARY ACTIVITIES IN CYBERSPACE. the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1541 et seq.).” Die “explanatory note” dazu: “Military activities in cyberspace (sec. 954) The conferees recognize that because of the evolving nature of cyber warfare, there is a lack of historical precedent for what constitutes traditional military activities in relation to cyber operations and that it is necessary to affirm that such operations may be conducted pursuant to the same policy, principles, and legal regimes that pertain to kinetic capabilities. The conferees also recognize that in certain instances, the most effective way to deal with threats and protect U.S. and coalition forces is to undertake offensive military cyber activities, including where the role of the United States Government is not apparent or to be acknowledged. The conferees stress that, as with any use of force, the War Powers Resolution may apply.” Die verabschiedete Gesetzespassage in HR 1540 geht über den ursprünglichen Vorschlag des Repräsentantenhauses deutlich hinaus. Dieser lautete: „SEC. 962. MILITARY ACTIVITIES IN CYBERSPACE. (a) AFFIRMATION.—Congress affirms that the Secretary of Defense is authorized to conduct military activities in cyberspace. in support of a military operation pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (50 U.S.C. 1541 note; Public Law 107–40) against a target located outside of the United States; or Der Senat legte zunächst keinen eigenen gesetzgeberischen Vorschlag zu diesem Thema vor, forderte aber Abänderungen an dem Vorschlag des Repräsentantenhauses, damit dieser zustimmungsfähig werde.