Network on European and Transatlantic Security 


The Network on European and Transatlantic Security (NETS) is a coalition of organizations and individual experts focusing on the security issues confronting Europe. NETS includes the Berlin Information-center for Transatlantic Security (BITS), the British American Security Information Council (BASIC) based in London and Washington, the Brussels located Center for European Security and Disarmament (CESD), the International Security Information Service’s (ISIS) European office in Brussels, PENN-Nederlande collocated with AMOK in Utrecht and the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (SPAS). Additional participants and correspondents include Mariano Aguirre of the Centro de Investigacion para la Paz (CIP) in Madrid, Spain, Andreas Zumach in Geneva, Switzerland, Terrje Erikstad in Oslo, Norway, Malla Kantola of the Finnish Committee of the 100 in Helsinki, Georg Schöfbänker of the Austrian Information Center for Security Policy and Arms Control in Linz, Austria and occasional correspondents.

The network has expertise in a wide variety of security related topics including NATO European Union (EU) and Western European Union (WEU) and UN activities, Russian security policy, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), conventional and nuclear arms control disarmament policies, Mediterranean security, nuclear weapons in Europe, weapons trade, small arms and landmines, and non-proliferation policies.

NETS’ members cooperate where their programs, projects and interests overlap. Based on common interests and jointly developed policy and project goals they join to form topical networks, that may include additional partners. Both, the Project on European Nuclear Non-proliferation (PENN) and Task Force 19 + 1, the working group on NATO-Russia and EU-Russia relations have been developed based on groups and individuals belonging to NETS.

NETS’ members can be contacted either directly or via BITS ( ).