Core Documents on the War against Terrorism /
Dokumente zum Krieg der USA gegen den internationalen Terrorismus
- Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Affairs: Response to the Sixth Report of the
Foreign Committee Session 2004-05 Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism,
London, June 2005 (pdf)
- National
Counterterrorism Center: A Chronology of Significant International Terrorism for 2004,
Washington DC, 27 April 2005 (pdf)
- Department
of State: Country Reports on Terrorism 2004, Washington DC, April 2005 (pdf)
- Foreign Affairs Committee, House of Commons: Foreign Policy Aspects of the War
against Terrorism, Sixth Report of Session 2004-05, London, 22 March 2005, Volume 1
(pdf) and Volume 2
- Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Affairs: Response to the Seventh Report of the
Foreign Committee Session 2003-04 Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism,
London, September 2004 (pdf)
- National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States: The 9/11 Commission Report,
Washington DC, 22 July 2004 (pdf)
- National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States: Monograph on Financing Terrorism
Staff Report to the Commission, Washington DC, 2004 (pdf)
- National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States: 9/11 and Terrorist Travel
Staff Report to the Commission, Washington DC, 2004 (pdf)
- Foreign Affairs Committee, House of Commons: Foreign Policy Aspects of the War
against Terrorism, Seventh Report of Session 2003-04, London, 15 July 2004, Volume
1 (pdf) and Volume
2 (pdf)
- Department
of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism 2003, Washington DC, April 2004 (pdf) with corrections of
Appendix a (pdf) and Appendix G (pdf)
as of 22 April 2004
- Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Affairs: Response to the Second Report of the
Foreign Committee Session 2002-03 Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism,
London, March 2004 (pdf)
- Foreign
Affairs Committee, House of Commons: Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism,
Second Report of Session 2003-04, London, 15 January 2004 (pdf)
- Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Affairs: Response to the Tenth Report of the
Foreign Committee Session 2002-03 Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism,
London, September 2003 (pdf)
- Foreign
Affairs Committee, House of Commons: Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism,
Tenth Report of Session 2002-03, London, 15 July 2003 (pdf)
- Department
of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism 2002, Washington DC, May 2003 (big pdf
- General
Accounting Office: Information Technologie: Terror Watch Lists Should be Consolidated to
Promote better Integration and Sharing, GAO-03-322, Washington DC, April 2003
- Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Affairs: Response to the Second Report of the
Foreign Committee Session 2002-03 Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism,
London, February 2003 (pdf)
- The Prime
Minister: Government Response to the Intelligence and Security Committee Inquiry into
Intelligence, Assessments and Advice prior to the Terrorist Bombings on Bali 12 October
2002, London, February 2003 (pdf)
- Jack
Straw welcomes Declaration on good Neighbourly Relations for Afghanistan,
22. December 2002
- Antrag
der Bundesregierung an den Deutschen Bundestag auf der Grundlage des Kabinettsbeschlusses,
vom 21. Dezember 2002
- Foreign
Affairs Committee, House of Commons: Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism,
Second Report of Session 2002-03, London, 17 December 2002 (pdf)
- Intelligence
and Security Committee, House of Commons: Inquiry into Intelligence, Assessments and
Advice prior to the Terrorist Bombings on Bali 12 October 2002, London, December
2002 (pdf)
- U.S.
Congress: Joint Inquiry into the Intelligence Communitys Activities before and after
the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001, Report of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence and the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
Washington DC, December 2002 (pdf)
- Ansprache
von Bundeskanzler Schröder auf der Konferenz "Afghanistan im Wiederaufbau",
2. Dezember 2002 in Bonn (Petersberg)
- NATO to support
ISAF 3, 27. November 2002
- Bundeswehr-Kontingent
innerhalb der ISAF soll vergrößert werden, 27. November 2002
- Fact
Sheet: News About the War Against Terror; White House, 16. November 2002
- Prime Minister Tony Blair's
statement on Afghanistan, 13. November 2002
- General
Accounting Office: Combatting Terrorism: Department of State Programs to Combat Terrorism
Abroad, GAO-02-1021, Washington DC, September 2002 (pdf)
- Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Affairs: Response to the Seventh Report of the
Foreign Committee Session 2001-02, Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism,
London, August 2002 (pdf)
- Foreign Affairs
Committee, House of Commons: Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism, Seventh
Report of Session 2001-02, London, 20 June 2002 (big pdf-file!)
- Einsatz
der Bundeswehr innerhalb der UN-Friedensmission ISAF, 20. Juni 2002
- Remarks by the
President to a special session of the German Bundestag, May 23, 2002
- Department
of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism 2001, Washington DC, May 2002 (big pdf
- Powell Rejects
Charges of U.S. Unilateralism, Interview with CNN in Tokyo, February 17, 2002
- Countering
International Terrorism by Military Force, Speech by the Russian Defense Minister,
Sergei Ivanov, Munich Conference on Security Policy, February 3, 2002 (pdf)
- Winning the
Wider War Against Terrorism, U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman, Munich Conference on
Security Policy, February 3, 2002 (pdf)
- Speech by NATO
Secretary General Lord George Robertson, Munich Conference on Security Policy,
February 3, 2002 (pdf)
- Rede von
Bundesverteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping auf der Münchner Konferenz für
Sicherheitspolitik, 3. Februar 2002 (pdf)
- From Crisis to
Opportunity: American Internationalism and the New Atlantic Order, U.S. Senator
John McCain, Munich Conference on Security Policy, February 2, 2002 (pdf)
- Remarks of
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Munich Conference on Security
Policy, February 2, 2002 (pdf)
- Rede von
Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder beim Weltwirtschaftsforum 2002 in New York, 2.
Februar 2002 (pdf)
- The President's
State of the Union Address, The United States Capitol, Washington, D.C., January
29, 2002 (pdf)
- Joint
Statement by President George W. Bush and Chairman Hamid Karzai on a New Partnership
Between the United States and Afghanistan, January 28, 2002 (pdf)
- Co-Chairs'
Summary of Conclusions, The International Conference on Reconstruction Assistance
to Afghanistan, Tokyo, January 21-22, 2002 (pdf)
- Der
Beitrag Deutschlands zum Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung von Afghanistan,
Internationale Geberkonferenz für den Wiederaufbau Afghanistans, Tokio 20. - 22. Januar
2002 (pdf)
- Afghanistan
Preliminary Needs - Assessment for Recovery and Reconstruction, Asian Development
Bank, UNDP and World Bank, January 2002 (pdf)
- A Vision for
Afghanistan, Statement of the Chairman of the Interim Administration of
Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, at the International Conference on Reconstruction Assistance to
Afghanistan, Tokyo, January 21-22, 2002 (pdf)
- NATO'S Role in the
War on Terrorism, Speech by Richard Lugar, senior member on the U.S. Senate
Foreign Relations and Intelligence Committees, January 18, 2002 (pdf)
- See also: The
Lugar Doctrine, Richard Lugar, December 6, 2001 (pdf)
- The Global War on
Terrorism: The First 100 Days, The Coalition Information Centers, December 2001
- BITS - Stichwort: Der Spürpanzer Fuchs,
January 15, 2002
- BITS - Stichwort: Kommando Spezialkräfte,
January 15, 2002
- First Meeting on
the Afghan Reconstruction Steering Group, January 7, 2002 (pdf)
- Military
Technical Agreement Between the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the
Interim Administration of Afghanistan (Interim Administration),
January 4, 2002 (pdf)
- Antrag
der Bundesregierung an den Deutschen Bundestag auf Einsatz der Bundeswehr in Afghanistan,
21. Dezember 2001 (pdf)
- Security Council
Resolution 1386, December 20, 2001 (pdf)
- Presidency
Conclusions, European Council Meeting in Laeken, December 14 and 15, 2001
- Transcript of
Osama Bin Laden Video Tape, December 13, 2001 (pdf)
- NATO's Response to
Terrorism, Statement issued at the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council held
at NATO Headquarters, Brussels, December 6, 2001
- UN Security Council
Resolution 1383 (2001) on the situation in Afghanistan, 6 December 2001
- Agreement on
Provisional Arrangements in Afghanistan Pending the Re-establishment of Permanent
Government Institutions, December 5, 2001
- Press Briefing by
Ahmad Fawzi, Spokesman for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for
Afghanistan, Königswinter, December 2, 2001 (pdf)
- Speech by
Joschka Fischer, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, at the
Opening of the UN-Talks on Afghanistan at Bonn (Petersberg) 27 November 2001
- Agenda for
United Nations talks on Afghanistan, 27 November 2001 (pdf)
- Afghanistan World
Bank Approach Paper, Executive Summary, November 2001 (pdf)
- Internationalen
Terrorismus bekämpfen, in kritischer Solidarität handeln, die rot-grüne Koalition
fortsetzen, Beschluss der Bundesdelegiertenkonferenz von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen,
24./25. November 2001, Rostock (pdf)
- Internationale
Kooperation und Verantwortung, Leitlinien zur Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, Initiativantrag
des SPD-Parteivorstands, 18. November 2001 (pdf)
- Krieg in Afghanistan, Auf der Suche
nach dem Ziel, Otfried Nassauer, Der Tagesspiegel, 18. November 2001
- Rede des
Bundeskanzlers vor dem Bundestag anlässlich der Abstimmung über den Einsatz bewaffneter
deutscher Streitkräfte im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus, 16. November 2001
- Bundestagsdebatte
zur Abstimmung über den Einsatz bewaffneter deutscher Streitkräfte im Kampf gegen den
Terrorismus, 16. November 2001 (pdf)
- Protokollerklärung
zum Antrag der Bundesregierung auf Einsatz bewaffneter deutscher Streitkräfte vom 7.
November 2001, 15. November 2001
- Beschlußempfehlung
und Bericht des Auswärtigen Ausschusses zum Antrag der Bundesregierung über den Einsatz
bewaffneter deutscher Streitkräfte im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus, 14. November
2001 (Bundestagsdrucksache 14/7447, pdf)
- UN Security Council
Resolution 1378 (2001) on the situation in Afghanistan, 14 November 2001 (also in pdf)
- Eine höchst delikate Angelegenheit.
Kurzanalyse zum "Antrag der Bundesregierung auf Einsatz bewaffneter deutscher
Streitkräfte vom 7. November 2001", Otfried Nassauer, 9. November 2001
- Regierungserklärung
von Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder vor dem Deutschen Bundestag zur Beteiligung
bewaffneter deutscher Streitkräfte an der Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus,
8. November 2001 (also in pdf)
- Antrag der
Bundesregierung auf Einsatz bewaffneter deutscher Streitkräfte vom 7. November 2001,
08. November 2001
- Statement of
U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on the U.S. request for German military forces,
7 November 2001
- Statement of
Chancellor Gerhard Schröder on the provision of military forces for the fight against
international terrorism, 6 November 2001
- German
government provides military forces requested by the U.S., Press Release, 6
November 2001
- Bin Laden
broadcast on al-Jazeera TV, 3 November 2001
- Statement by
Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, spokesman of al-Qaeda, on retaliation against the US and UK for the
air strikes on Afghanistan, 14 October 2001
- Mit B-52 auf Verbrecherjagd?
Streitgespräch zwischen Otfried Nassauer und Paul Breuer, taz, 13. Oktober
- Kann der Terror unsere Gesellschaft
verändern? Interview mit Otfried Nassauer, Neue Uni-Zeitung, Oktober 2001
- Policy
Statement of Chancellor Schröder after the beginning of the military campaign against
international terrorism in Afghanistan, 11 Oktober 2001
- Call by Sulaiman
Abu Ghaith, spokesman of al-Qaeda, on Muslims to join in a holy war against the United
States, 10 October, 2001
- Militär contra Terror, Otfried
Nassauer, Tagesspiegel, 9 Oktober 2001
- Letter of US
Ambassador John Negroponte to UN Security Council President, 7 Oktober 2001
- Bin Laden
statement broadcast on al-Jazeera TV, 7 Oktober 2001
- Presidential
Address to the Nation, 07 October 2001
- Statement by NATO
Secretary General, Lord Robertson, 2 October 2001
- Speech by
Gerhard Schröder, German Chancellor, Labour Party conference, Brighton, 1 Oktober
- Security Council
Resolution 1373 (2001), 28 September 2001
- Nur das Recht des Stärkeren? Interview
mit Otfried Nassauer, Publik-Forum, 28. September 2001
- Remarks by the
Russian President Vladimir Putin in the German Bundestag, 25 September 2001
- Joint US-EU Ministerial
Statement on Combating Terrorism, 20 September 2001
- "Freedom at
War with Fear", Declaration of President Bush to the Congress and the American People,
20 September 2001
- Scheinangriff, Artikel von
Otfried Nassauer, Tagesspiegel, 20. September 2001
Secretary-General and Chancellor reaffirm solidarity with the United States , 20
September 2001
- Schröder and
Blair proclaim determination to combat international terrorism, 19 September
- Statement of
Chancellor Schröder to the German Bundestag, 19 September 2001
- Resolution of
the German Bundestag, 19 September 2001
- Die Spur von Osama bin Laden,
Artikel von Gerhard Piper, Neues Deutschland, 15. September 2001
- Ein Präzendenzfall mit völlig unklaren
Grenzen Interview mit Otfried Nassauer über die Konsequenzen aus den
Terroranschlägen in den USA, Junge Welt, 15. September 2001
- Joint
Resolution of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives Authorizing the Use of
Force Against Terrorists, 14 September 2001
- Joint Declaration by the
European Union, 14 September 2001
- Meeting of the NATO-Russia
Permanent Joint Council, 13 September 2000
- Human Rights Watch Response
to Attacks on the U.S., 12 September 2001
- UN Security
Council Condemns Terrorist Attacks, 12 September 2001
- Opening of 56th Session
of the UN General Assembly, 12 September 2000
- Condemnation of
Terrorist Attacks by the UN General Assembly, 12 September 2001
- Statement by
Chancellor Schröder to the German Bundestag, 12 September 2001
- Statement by the North
Atlantic Council, 12 September 2001
- Letter of
Condolence from Chancellor Schröder to President Bush, 11 September 2001
- General
Accounting Office: Conbatting Terrorism: Selected Challenges and Related Recommendations,
GAO-01-822, Washington DC, September 2001 (pdf)
- U.S.
Congress, House Armed Services Committee Staff: The Investigation in the Attack on the
U.S.S. Cole, Report, Washington DC, May 2001 (big pdf file!)
- Department
of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism 2000, Washington DC, April 2001 (pdf)
- Department
of Defense: Cole Commission Report (Gehman, Crouch Report), Unclassified Version, Washington
DC, 9 January 2001 (pdf)
- General
Accounting Office: Combatting Terrorism: Action Taken but Considerable Risks Remain for
Forces Overseas, GAO-00-181, Washington DC, July 2000 (pdf)
- National
Commission on Terrorism: The Changing Threat of International Terrorism,
Washington DC, May 2000 (pdf)
- Department
of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism 1999, Washington DC, April 2000 (pdf)
- General
Accounting Office: Combatting Terrorism: Efforts to Protect U.S. Forces in Turkey and the
Middle East, Statement of Mark E. Gebicke before the Sub-Committee on National Security,
28 October 1997, Washington DC (pdf)
- General
Accounting Office: Combatting Terrorism: Status of DoD Efforts to Protect its Forces
Overseas, GAO-NSIAD-97-207, Washington DC, July 1997 (pdf)