General Affairs Council
June 11, 2001
EU-UN co-operation in conflict prevention and crisis
- Conclusions -
The Council underlines the commitment of the EU as well as of its Member
States to contribute to the objectives of the UN in conflict prevention
and crisis management, noting the United Nations' primary responsibility
for the maintenance of international peace and security. The Swedish Presidency
has taken forward the mandate given to it by the Nice European Council
to identify possible areas and modalities for co-operation with the UN
in crisis management.
The Council reaffirms its determination to develop and strengthen co-operation
in the areas of crisis management and conflict prevention, following ministers'
discussions with the UN Secretary-General in May.
The co-operation should develop progressively in close co-ordination
with the UN, focusing on substantive issues and concrete needs. It will
increase in scope and importance as the ESDP evolves.
The Council acknowledges the need for an integrated approach to conflict
prevention and crisis management, encompassing also development co-operation
and other measures addressing root causes of conflict, and in this context
welcomes the important communications – on conflict prevention and on
building an effective partnership with the UN in the field of development
and humanitarian affairs - recently presented by the Commission. On the
latter, the Council also recalls its conclusions of 31 May 2001. Furthermore
the Council notes the intention of the Commission to launch a dialogue
with the UN on exchanging its Country Strategy Papers with the UN Common
Country Assessments.
Specific themes and areas of co-operation
Contacts with the UN Secretariat have identified themes and areas for
EU-UN co-operation. The Council endorses the following specific themes
and areas as the focus of the EU’s efforts to intensify interaction with
the UN. They include:
1. Conflict prevention, in particular ensuring mutually reinforcing approaches;
exchange of information and analyses concerning on-going and potential
crises; co-operation on fact-finding; co-ordination of diplomatic activity
and messages, including consultations between Special Representatives;
field co-ordination and training; increased co-operation in electoral
assistance and election monitoring.
2. Civilian and military aspects of crisis management, in particular
ensuring that EU's evolving military and civilian capacities provide real
added value for the UN, i.a. by enhancing compatibility of training standards
for civilian crisis management personnel, and exchange of information
on questions related to the planning and implementation of crisis management;
co-ordination in the field.
3. Particular regional issues, Western Balkans, Middle East and Africa,
in particular the Great Lakes, Horn of Africa and West Africa, will be
for the time being the priority areas of reinforced co-operation between
the EU and the UN.
Modalities for EU-UN co-operation
The following arrangements will provide a platform for the intensified
co-operation by facilitating guidance, continuity and coherence at all
i) EU Ministerial meetings, where appropriate in Troika format, with
the UN Secretary-General;
ii) Meetings and contacts between the Secretary-General/High Representative
and External Relations Commissioner with the UN Secretary-General and
UN Deputy Secretary-General;
iii) Political and Security Committee meetings, where appropriate in
Troika format, with the UN Deputy Secretary-General and Under Secretaries-General;
and other levels and formats as appropriate;
iv) Contacts of the Council Secretariat and the Commission services with
the UN Secretariat at the appropriate levels.
The Council requests the Presidency assisted by the Secretary-General/High
Representative, and the Commission, drawing on EU Heads of Missions in
New York, as appropriate, to pursue discussions with the UN with a view
to implementing practical forms for co-operation to be reported to the
The Council agrees that the Presidency will convey the
content of these Council conclusions in a letter to the UN Secretary-General.